What's Your Story?

With M.C. Greene

M.C. Greene

My Story

Have you ever looked around at your life and wondered, “How the devil did I get here?”
We all, at some point in our lives, suffer through disappointments and hardship, and moments when we’re sure we will break. For me, one of my worst moments came the day I looked into the mirror and found I didn’t recognize the person looking back at me. I can only say I was rescued from myself by a much needed, and undeserved, Saving Grace from above. When the fog finally lifted, and my feet found solid ground, I did what I always do when something is weighing heavily on my heart, I began writing about it.    
For me, the journey into self discovery was more than a little scary. What do you do when you find you’re the villain in your own story? 
I also rediscovered something I’ve always known. I’m infinitely curious about people and human nature. I want to understand why we do the things we do. I want to understand why we’re afraid to be who we truly are. 
I want to understand why we’re so hard on ourselves and why we don’t love ourselves more. Why do we get stuck and stay stuck? 
Why do we stay in situations that we know are bad for us? And why do we break our own hearts? Again and again?
Clearly, I have more questions than answers, and the only way I know to quiet the internal monologue is to write about them. So, to that end, The Good Heart was born. 
What I’ve discovered on this journey is that we all have a story to tell, and whether our story is one of trial and tragedy or hope and healing, we all have something unique and valuable to share with the world. When we own our story, we empower ourselves. And when we share it with the world, we empower others, and we give hope and courage, and a voice, to those who have lost theirs. 
Over the years, I’ve come to believe the greatest thing we can do for ourselves, and for others, is to tell our story and be heard. Sometimes, just one word of understanding, one word of encouragement, can make a profound difference in our journey.
That, to me, is why we’re here.
If we can help one person feel heard and understood, and know they are not alone, then we will have made the world a better place. 
Welcome to What’s Your Story. 
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